
look的三个用法例句,ask for的用法及例句

look固定搭配以及意思 2023-12-11 22:21 648 墨鱼

look的三个用法例句,ask for的用法及例句

>▽< 1. look like用于问话时,询问答话者认为某人或某物像什么,在陈述句中表示说话人认为他或它像什么:What does he look like? 他看起来像是什么样的人?He looks like a professor.定语从句例句1 Can you tell me the date on which the accident happened? 你能告诉我这起事故发生的日期吗?Here is the young man about whom we have heard

第六,Look表达“看到的情况”的意思时,多搭配like,例句如下:It looks like it is going to rain.(看起来要下雨了) 总之,Look个字眼有着不同的意思和用法,在日常口语当中经常Look at the sky! It’s going to rain. 瞧天上,就要下雨了。2) look at 后有时可接复合宾语。如:Look at the girl jump. 看看这个女孩跳。We looked at the children pl

例句:They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time.他们想要个有责任心的人夜间照管这个地方。My priority is to look after number one —to create第二个例句,根据句意,我们知道look up 在句子中表示的意思是“拜访”,所以用到的是“look sb up”的这种表达,也就是句子里的“look him up”。第三个例句,句子中表示的“敬仰”的

look out用法总结look out 小心.比较常用于口头表达。相对于be careful 更多用于平时的交流。还可以与of 连用。表示从一个位置向外看。扩展资料Look out for 1、It was just then that I chanced to look round. 就在那时,我恰好环顾了下四周。2、She had the look of someone deserted and betrayed. 她一副遭人遗弃

1. 当不及物动词“看”,look后不能接人和物。例句:Look! There is a cat.I looked and I found it.如果要接人或者物,可用look at + sth/sb,表示看sth/sb.例句:She looks at me They've given the shop a completely new look.他们把商店装修一新。look用法例句:1、It was just then that I ch


标签: ask for的用法及例句



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