
up for grabs,on point

up 2023-12-16 19:04 698 墨鱼

up for grabs,on point

Up for grabs这个习惯用语虽然同打球有关,但不只是用在体育上。凡是可以去争取,去竞争的,不管是职位空缺,还是有公寓出租,我们都可以说:they are up for grabs。苏明,你说的很对。1. Arsenal legend Martin Keown has suggested thatthe top four is “up for grabs”and earning a spot in the Champions League is a “really realistic”ambition for the

fattened up for───养肥双语使用场景Some of the ventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs, like abundant sea life.───其中一些up for grabs 美英na.供人竞购(以售给出价最高者) 同义词反义词adj. available,free,for the taking 英汉英英na. 1. 供人竞购(以售给出价最高者) 释义:全部,供人竞购

the election is up for grabs.选举是每人都可以选的。everything is still very chancy. 一切仍充满变数。i don't know who will get the promotion. it's up for grabs 是个常用的习惯用语。Grab 的意思是抓、抓到。up for grabs 指的是某样东西,比如货物、商品等现在还没有归属,所以想要的人都可以竞争。Mary

1. To be available to anyone to claim; to be unclaimed.This last piece of cake is up for grabs—who wants it? 2. To be in a state of chaos.After the CEO's scandal1. The job is up for grabs. Why don't you apply now? 那工作谁都可以争取,你怎么不现在就申请呢?2. After the CEO's scandalous behavior was exposed, the whole company was


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