

英语作文4~5句我的生日 2023-06-14 21:59 697 墨鱼


a good time.译文:这个星期天,我将在家里举行一个生日聚会,我会等待我所有的朋友来。他们将会送给我很多漂亮的礼物。我的父母会准备许多好吃的食物和饮料。在晚会上,我们会玩游高分英语作文1:Birthday plans My birthday is coming. In order to celebrate it, I will make a plan. I will hold a birthday party and invite my best fen

生日派对英语作文篇1 Today, its my birthday. I had a different birthday this year. The birthday party was in the evening, so I finished all the work during the day. In 我的生日英语作文篇1 Every time I see my friends holding a birthday party, I wish I could have it, but I don't want to raise my parents' income because of the meager in

生日派对英语作文篇1 Today, it's my birthday. I had a different birthday this year. The birthday party was in the evening, so I finished all the work during the day. In哈哈!我终于得到了我的最最贵重的生日礼物――我的寒假我作主!以前的假期都是由老爸老妈作主。现在,我终于可以我的寒假我作主了!如何计划?让我想一想……好了就这样安排!星

生日聚会的英语作文篇1 Last May 4th was my birthday.I had a party at my home. My relatives and friends came to my home in the evening.And I got a lot of presents from t生日派对英语作文篇1 Tomorrow is my birthday, mom and dad for holding a birthday party. I feel very happy because I open a birthday party for the first time. I al

生日聚会的英语作文1 A few days ago, I attended a friend's birthday party in our class, we play there is cricket. To like hockey, cricket is also hol生日派对英语作文篇1 Tomorrow is my birthday, mom and dad for holding a birthday party. I feel very happy because I open a birthday party for the first time. I al


标签: 寒假安排的英语作文



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