

customer造句 2023-09-25 10:15 853 墨鱼


用doubt造句子1.I had no reason to doubt him.(我没有理由不相信他。2.Her interpretation of the facts may be open to doubt.(她对事实的解释可能有待质疑该公众号已迁移原帐号迁移时未将文章素材同步至新帐号,该链接已不可访问。公众号迁移说明

+^+ doubt 释义:doubt doubt,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“怀疑;疑问;疑惑”,作动词时意为“怀疑;不信;恐怕;拿不准”。参见百度百科介绍1、But Idoubtthat. 2、Withoutdoubt;definitely. 3、I expresseddoubt. 4、Absence of confidence;doubt. 5、Idoubtyou don't know. 6、There's nodoubt, not

doubt的用法2:doubt后可接介词about〔of, on〕引起的短语表示“对…怀疑”。doubt的用法3:doubt后可接that或if〔whether〕引导的同位语从句。that从句一般用于否定句或疑问There’s some doubt whether John will come on time. 约翰能否按时来还很难说。There is some doubt whether he will come to help us. 他是否会来帮助我们还有些疑虑。I have no

1)Doubt[英][da?t][美][daut]怀疑1.Words and Truth: A Review of Doubt;话语和真相——评话剧《怀疑》英文短句/例句1.place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.被怀疑doubt造句I do not doubt but that you are surprised . 我敢断定你是感到吃惊了。Others would do for the place without doubt . 别人也干得了这件事情。Their mating c

∩﹏∩ doubtfull的造句和例句:1. :I am very doubtfull that you can get it legally on the web. 2. :Its doubtfull this phenomenon exists as such.内有更多更详细关于doubtfuldoubt英语造句,1、Park was still a great Asian pitcher, no doubt about it朴赞浩是一位优秀的亚洲投手,无庸置疑。2、They doubt if a man ca


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