

compared to造句 2023-12-22 12:27 757 墨鱼
compared to造句


●﹏● emergency lighting 应急照明,紧急照明emergency meeting 紧急会议emergency medicine 急诊医学;应急医学emergency call 紧急呼叫medical emergency 急诊;医疗应急;医疗紧急事故emergency造句:1. What constitutes an emergency?怎样算是紧急情况?2. Mr Clark underwent five hours of emergency surgery.克拉克先生接受了五个小时的急救外

1. I have a phone number in case of emergency. *我有一个应急电话号码。2. In case of medical emergency, call me immediately. 一旦出现病情就立即给我打电话。3. Who11.A diplomat must always be prepared for an emergency.外交官要时刻准备应付突发事件。12.SARS was an important public health paroxysmal incident.SARS是一次重大的

【造句】She is calm and resourceful in an emergency . 她在紧急关头总是沉着机敏。The emergency requires that it should be done .. 事情紧急,非这样做不可。In emer1、The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made anemergencylanding.(机组人员丢弃了多余的燃料,紧急着陆。2、Employees should be fully acquainted withemergencyprocedur

It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency. 在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。None of us had seen an emergency like this and we were all flying by the seat It aims to improve their abislities (能力) to deal with a first aid emergency (紧急情况). 它旨在提高他们处理急救紧急情况的能力。2021年邵阳市卷综合填空] 3. As


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