

运用irony的例句 2023-12-06 10:17 126 墨鱼


单词Iron 例句大全,用单词Iron造句:Oily wastewater is an widely variety sources. This wastewater accessing to water will cause serious environmental pollution. 含iron造句如下:1、iron gathers rust easily.(铁容易生锈。2、She was known as the'iron Lady'.(大家都称她为“铁娘子”。3、In the diet,it is generally true that th

╯^╰〉 She seared her hand on the hotiron. 她的手被热熨斗烫伤。We need an electrician to mend theiron. 我们要请电工修理熨斗。These appliances are made of stainlessiron6. China has a wealth of coal, iron and other minerals. 中国有丰富的煤、铁和其它矿产资源。7. Ferrous iron reduces to ferric iron. 二价铁能还原成三价铁。8. The b

╯▽╰ Ironis easily oxidised.铁很容易氧化。The hotironhas slightly singed the cloth.热熨斗把布烫焦了一些。It is pitiful to see that the life of an animal in a zoo is iron造句1、She's ironing his shirt、她在烫他的衬衫。2、iron什么意思3、There is more iron to her than I supposed、她比我原先想象的要坚强得多。4、5、

6、To produce all kinds of castings pig iron, alloy iron, nodular iron and vermicular iron, etc. 7、The foundry smelts iron. 8、A magnet attracts iriron造句复制1、irongathers rust easily.(铁容易生锈。2、She was known as the 'ironLady'.(大家都称她为“铁娘子”。3、In the diet, it is generally true that th


标签: silver造句



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