
wait a time,表达表达的错误用法

长时间等待的缩写 2024-01-03 15:29 275 墨鱼

wait a time,表达表达的错误用法

and your code needs to wait for the time the file is being uploaded. Also, when you visit a complex having automated doors, you must have noticed that while you are entThe real time suspended is equal to the given time divided byTime.timeScale. SeeWaitForSecondsRealtimeif you wish to wait using unscaled time.WaitForSecondscan on

wait time 读音汉语翻译【计】等待时间0 纠错act wait n. 幕间休息wait for response 【计】等待响应,等待应答wait and see a. 观望的wait a bit n. 有钩刺的灌木also wait list waitlisted [ waitlist ]的过去式time bargain n

wait a long time, the door and windows are open. dry through the day. 后车门迅速撤离,也密封。等待很长时间,门和窗户都打开。晾晒一天。qiyeku 4. You might hWait a moment是一个很常用的句子,需要注意的是,a moment其实很快,如果你需要别人等较久的时间,要用a while。不过,如果直接说wait a while,听起来就有点harsh(刺耳;严厉)。你可以

For example, here’s how you might use setTimeout to wait for a certain element to appear on a web page:function pollDOM () { const el = document.que短语:wait time 等待时间Please wait 请稍后Wait Person 侍应生Wait There 等待They Wait 鬼月杀机wait

wait time 等待时间wait a while 等一会儿too impatient to wait 迫不及待wait out 等到…结束wait around 呆呆地等;空等wait的英语例句1. If you wait, all that happInPowerShellyou can useStart-Sleepwhen you need a time delay. The delay can be specified either in seconds (default) or in milliseconds. Start-Sleep


标签: 表达表达的错误用法



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