

have的例句 2023-12-28 18:41 518 墨鱼


make造句简单1. She uses the make-up to enhance her natural beauty. 2. He will make a fire in the fireplace to keep warm in winter. 3. She decided to make a cake make a cake做蛋糕make a birthday做生日蛋糕make a toy做玩具make a kite做风筝make a meal做饭make dinner做晚饭make dumplings包饺子make zongzi包粽子make an apple pi

例句上一页1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页1. We are more prone to make mistakes when we are tired. 当我们疲倦的时候较容易犯错。2. We must give tribute to all thos单词MAKE 例句大全,用单词MAKE造句:Set the bar highMakepeople Ooh and Aah. 把标准放的更高让人们惊讶。I just want tomakelittle starter cut. Aah! oh. Are you okay?

You needn't worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。3、表示设法做到某事,例句I’ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I'll make it every wemake的相关例句:1.Add an egg-yolk to the flour and fat tomakeit bind/to bind the mixture. 在面粉和油脂中加入蛋黄使之凝结。2.Some company directorsmakean absolute

Make a phone call 例句1:Oh,I need to make a phone call to my mum. 哦,我需要打电话给妈妈。例句2:I`ll make a phone call to my teacher. 我要打电话给我老师。4. 做出努力例句如下:I make it nearly ten o'clock.我的手表显示快十点了。6、make用于表示使某物改变。make用于描述改变某物,其通常含义为“使,致使”。使某人做某事通常用短语make sb. do


标签: 由make组成的短语并造句



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