
担心英语两种 的例句,担心英语

我担心你用英语怎么说 2023-09-26 16:12 275 墨鱼

担心英语两种 的例句,担心英语

例句1、Don't worry . We have plenty of time.不必担心。我们有很多时间。2、Don't worry about me. I'll be all right.别为我担忧。我会没事的。3、He's always worrying about 担心的英文:anxious worried uneasy to worry to be anxious worry 参考例句:Don" t worry ! You" ll soon get the hang of it. 别担心!你很快就学会的。Becky grew apprehensiv

worry 担心英语说法2: anxious 担心英语说法3: care about 担心的英语例句:他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。The fear of being discovered was his constant companion. 别担心,我担心的英文:worry、anxious;worry:v.担心;担忧;发愁;使担心;anxious:adj.焦虑;忧虑;担心;令人焦虑的扩展资料They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform

例句:There is a concern about replenishment of the population. 有人担心人口的补充问题。扩展资料:担心的英文单词1、anxious 读音:英[ˈæŋkʃəs] 美[ˈæŋkʃəs你担心什么?There is no need to worry. 没必要担心。I have no concern about the exam. 我不担心考试。A: I'm very worried, Dr. Green. I was afraid I w

˙^˙ 例句:Don't worry about me; I'm very well.别为我担心,我很好。2、care about 读音:英[k担心英语说法1: worry 担心英语说法2: anxious 担心英语说法3: care about 担心的英语例句:他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。The fear of being discovered was his consta


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