
turn in,turnonthe

put on 2023-02-11 09:52 632 墨鱼
put on

turn in,turnonthe

turn in 读音汉语翻译拐入,* 睡觉,上缴,(使)向里歪,告发,出卖,作出【法】归还,移交,交出英语解释:动词turn in: make an entrance by turning from a road to surr短语动词turn in,它不仅只有“朝内”的意思#英语短语动词# 本章节介绍的是短语动词turn in,它主要有以下几个用法。一、turn in 1. 意为“朝内,向内拐”,例如:Such dances a

(^人^) turn in基本解释上床睡觉;上交;归还;面向内turn in的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The political tide mayturninelections next year for presiden释义turn in (a) face or curve inwards 面朝内;向内弯Her feet turn in as she walks. 她走路时两脚呈内八字. (b) (infml 口) go to bed 去睡觉It´s late; I think I´l

turn in的发音:单词解释交上;归还;拐入;告发;口]上床睡觉与turn in 相关的例句Heturnedinhisowngate. 他转身走进自家的大门。Three weeksfromtoday,thatistosay, the 1“turn in”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 交上;归还Turn in all the tools after use. 全部工具用后都要归还。相关词语turnin


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