
due to后面跟句子吗,due to的用法和例句

due to后面接什么成分 2023-12-26 12:21 986 墨鱼
due to后面接什么成分

due to后面跟句子吗,due to的用法和例句

due to后面可以加句子吗不能,因为due to是个介词短语,后面只能跟名词,或名词性词组或名词性从句做宾语。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库environmental pollution,population problems and natural resource crises are not only due to the inter

2. 使用"dueto"的语法和用法的搜索需求,如"dueto用法","dueto做主语"和"dueto后面跟名词"。3. 在句子中使用"dueto"的位置和顺序的搜索需求,如"dueto句首","dueto位置"和"duedue to后面跟名词,分词或者动名词,可以加句子但是不可以接从句。例句:The accident was due to bad driving. due to用法1、其后可接不定式,表示“将要”。例:The guests

关于due to 后面可以加名词吗,due to 后面可以加句子吗这个很多人还不知道,今天菲菲来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、不能。2、因为due to导读:due to后面不可以直接加句子,后面一般是接名词、动名词或名词短语。due to的意思是“由于,应付,由……导致”,因为这里的to是介词,所以后面就只能due to后面不可以直接加句子,后面一

due to后面跟名词,分词或者动名词,可以加句子但是不可以接从句。例句:The accident was due to bad driving. due to用法1、其后可接不定式,表示“将要”。Chinese astronauts have long been locked out of the International Space Station due to US political objections and legislative restrictions -- whic


标签: due to的用法和例句



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