

用man造句 2023-09-26 18:07 696 墨鱼


用may造句如下:I do that you may know my plans.我那么干是为了让你知道我的计划。He may well refuse to speak tMayl borrow your book? may用于第一人称的一般疑问句时否定回答要用mustn't/can't 不用may not 表禁止,不可以-May i go now? -No, you mustn't / can't.123阅读0 0

╯^╰ 用may 造句1.May your dreams come true and may you find success in all your endeavors. 2.May you have a long and healthy life and be surrounded by loving family a单词May 例句大全,用单词May造句:I'm able to see the contradiction that youmaynot be able to see. 我能看到的矛盾,未必你也能看到。DogsMayBe Able to Smell Cancer 狗

I do that you may know my plans.我那么干是为了让你知道我的计划.He may well refuse to speak to you,because he's in a bad mood.他很可能拒绝和你说话,因为他的情绪不好May是一个常用的英文名字,下面是以May为题的10个简单造句:1. May is my best friend, we have known each other since kindergarten. 2. May loves to read books, she has

may怎么造句1、may,modal(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能;(转折前所述情况属实)也许;(征求同意或表示允许)可以;n.山楂花。2、例句]May I borrow it for a day ormay造句1、You may take anyone one of these.你可以拿这些当中的任何一个。2、Your marriage may be suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.你们的婚姻

●^● 用may造句1、现在大概三点钟。2、今天老师布置用maynt造句。3、Ican'tseeyounow─someothertime,maybe.我现在不能见你——也许别的时候吧。4、Whatisthatdmay造句1、It may or may not be right. 2、He may come,or he may not. 3、It's Chen.But you may call me may. 4、This may be troublesome. 5、Suits may


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