
hole 什么意思,ice什么意思

angry 的意思 2023-08-27 14:55 377 墨鱼
angry 的意思

hole 什么意思,ice什么意思

hole是什么意思意思:n. 洞;孔;穴;漏洞;困境;v. 挖洞;掘坑;进洞;过去式:holed; 过去分词:holed; 现在分词:holing; 第三人称单数:holes等等。扩展资料例句:1、There is hole的中文意思英[həʊl] 美[hoʊl] 名词洞,孔;洞穴,穴;缺陷;<口>绝境及物/不及物动词(在…上)打洞或穿孔不及物动词凿洞;(高尔夫球等)进洞例句1. There is a h

ˋ0ˊ There's a hole, like a bullet hole, clean through. 门上有个洞像子弹洞直接贯穿And when we do, we see the donut hole has a hole in its center. 那时我们就会发现甜hole hole: [OE] Etymologically, a hole is a ‘hollow’place. It originated as a noun use of the Old English adjective hol ‘hollow’which, together with German hohl, Dutch hol, and

vent( )hole指孔down the hole潜孔glory hole炉口,露天放矿漏斗,观察孔,大型露天矿multiple pin hole复针孔pin hole毛孔snore hole鼾孔trap hole陷阱up hole上向炮孔hole是什么意思1、hole:n.洞;孔;坑;裂口;开口;孔眼;洞穴;巢穴;v.(尤指在船上)打洞,造成破洞;击球入洞;2、例句]Hetookashovel,dugahole,andburiedhisonce-prizedpossessions。他

hole in 躲藏,暂住;过夜;口语]隐蔽,藏身:2. in the hole 负债,亏空;遇到经济困难3. black hole n. 黑洞双语例句1. Theholewas filled with leaves and branches. 这个洞hole [həul] 重复播放n. 洞,孔,突破口v. 凿洞英文解释名词:1. an opening into or through something+ 动词:9. in golf: hit the ball into the hole+ 形态变化


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