

waste造句简单 2023-09-24 23:53 348 墨鱼


单词WASH 例句大全,用单词WASH造句:Adams daughter called from thewashup. 亚当的女儿在浴室里叫喊。John Adams succeededWashington as President. 华盛顿之后,由约翰?亚Mother is washing the clothes.妈妈正在洗衣服我们在吃饭前一定要洗手We must wash our hands before dinner

wash造句复制1、Do youwashwindows?(你们洗窗户吗? 2、I didn'twashup the pans.(我没有刷锅。3、I'llwashand you can dry up.(我洗盘子,你可以擦干。4、Your jeans a24、Wash the bird clean with cold water andwashyour hands thoroughly before further handling. 25、But I can't help shivering at the thought of a riv

wash造句简单句子1. I need to wash my hands before eating. 2. She always washes her hair twice a week. 3. He forgot to wash his clothes before the trip. 4. The diwash造句1、Please call Mr.Bickford down from the ladder to wash his hands.请把比克佛德先生从梯子上叫下来洗洗手。2、Give the shirt a good soak before you wash it

作为一名陪娃读了六年多绘本的老母亲来说,经过我手的绘本不敢说有上万本,几千本肯定还是有的。绘本mouthwash造句1、Mouthwash ingredients, can penetrate between the teeth, rapid removal of tartar, teeth stains.漱口水成份,能深入牙缝,快速地去除牙垢,牙渍。2、I use

I made him wash the car 我叫他洗车。I got him to wash the car 我叫他洗车。3.4.3、造句练习炎热的天气使我感到昏昏欲睡(feel lethargic) 3.5、授予动词:主谓间直3.5.1、wh类型英语造句1、Heavy rain willwash away the soil from desolate hills.(大雨将把泥土从荒凉的山丘上冲走。2、Moonlight rinse her face, smooth face,wash away the ear


标签: american造句



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