
be sick of造句,用way造句子简单

wind造句 2023-12-25 11:27 461 墨鱼

be sick of造句,用way造句子简单

1. be sick of something 对某事感到厌倦片中例句:I don’t know how you guys ain't sick of me now. I’m even sick of myself. 我不知道你们怎么还忍得了我。我自己都受够自be sick of 厌恶;厌倦例句:You must be sick of me. 你肯定很厌恶我。I am sure you must be sick of all our noise. 我相信我们吵吵闹闹肯定会使您心烦。You must be si

Let's see what else he'll do! 1、be sick of: 对厌恶They should be sick of hearing "that was then, this is now". 他们应厌倦听到这样的话“那是过11、I hope you are sick, only I take care of you, I hope you will notbe sick. 12、You'd better be riding home, or else she willbe sickonly to grieve

24、You must besick ofall those dice and buttons by now! 25、I have never seen her since her father fellsick ofa serious illness. 26、She issick ofube sick of B 开头单词基本解释厌恶;厌倦英汉例句双语例句I am sure you must be sick of all our noise. 我相信我们吵吵闹闹肯定会使您心烦。Everyone will be sick o

be sick of 美英v.讨厌英汉un. 1. 懊丧,不开心,垂头丧气2. 厌烦,厌倦,心烦,叫…恶心3. 腻烦,厌恶v. 1. 讨厌释义:全部,讨厌be sick of sth/doing sth/sb 对……厌倦I'm sick of the way you've treated me. 你对待我的那一套我都厌倦了。We're sick of waiting around like this. 这么等来等去,我们感

˙﹏˙ I am sure you must be sick of all our noise. 我相信我们吵吵闹闹肯定会使您心烦. 来自辞典例句2. Since I'm also your language teacher, you'll be sick of me. 同时我More than 400 cities in Chinaare short ofwater. 中国有400多座城市缺水。be sick of 对……厌倦I'm sick ofwatching TV —let’s go out. 我看腻电视了,咱们出去吧。“be+形


标签: 用way造句子简单



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