
减肥英语短语,increase weight

节食英语短语 2024-01-09 10:08 467 墨鱼

减肥英语短语,increase weight

lose有失去,减少的意思,而weight则是体重的意思。这两个单词搭配起来的lose weight就是减肥的短语表达,如果作为名词表达的话,只要把它们两个的位置调转即可,weight lose,学英语记得1. Lose weight She started to eat healthier and exercise regularly in order to lose weight. (她开始健康饮食并定期锻炼以减肥。2. Slim down He slimmed down a lot after he

1.lose weight 减肥学英语的时候,很早就能学会的词组——lose weight,减肥。He lost two stone in weight during his time there. 在哪里的那段时间,他体重下降了很多。2.lose p减肥:lose/reduce weight 节食:go on a diet 减肥茶:slimming tea 瑜伽:yoga 健美操:calisthenics 素食者:vegetarian 吸脂手术:liposuction 关于新颖减肥方法的态度:Before

当然,如果想用名词表示“减肥”的话,我们可以把这两个短语转化成“weight loss”和“weight reduction”。例句:That's good news to many people on weight-reduction diets. 这对今天的节目我们就要来聊聊减肥相关的英语。01. Go on a diet 说到减肥,外国人最常用的表达是:Diet /ˈdaɪət/:日常饮食Go/Be on a diet:减肥(注意介词on) I am on a diet.我正在

∪ω∪ lose有失去的意思,weight有体重的意思,减肥用英语可以说lose weight,有时也会用reduce weight来表示。其名词表达为weight loss 或weight reduction。例:Many of us have tried to01、“减肥”英文怎么说?● 最常用的可以说:lose weight 例句:Low-fat diets are not the best way to lose weight. 低脂肪饮食并不是最好的减肥方式。如果


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