
be popular with,in spite of

as a result 2023-12-08 16:38 586 墨鱼
as a result

be popular with,in spite of

be popular with 读音汉语翻译为所喜欢0 纠错be popular to 和with的区别:含义不同、用法不同、强调重点不同。be popular to中文翻译为“受欢迎”,侧重于指相对于什么而很受欢迎;be popular with中文翻译为“受…欢迎”,侧重于

be popular with和among

be popular with 美英na.受…欢迎英汉na. 1. 受欢迎,在间名声好1. Earlysoundingssuggestthatthisisgoingtobepopularwithher female staff. 从初步试探来看,这么英[bi: ˈpɔpjulə wið] 美[bi ˈpɑpjəlɚ wɪð] 释义受…欢迎点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部Never take it for granted that one willbe popula


≥ω≤ 中文释义:受…欢迎例句:This will be popular with young consumers.这个产品会受年轻消费者的欢迎。词汇解析:pbe popular with 读音汉语翻译为所喜欢0 纠错猜你喜欢:frothy sputhum的汉语翻译colimycin,polymyxin E0的汉语翻译written will的汉语翻译tagalong的汉语翻译e

be popular with和be popular in的区别

be popular with什么意思(be popular with)春天的风精选回答1、be popular with:很受某(些)人的欢迎。2、be popular among:很受某个群体的欢迎,或在某个人群范围内受欢be popular with发音意思翻译为……所喜欢;受……欢迎相似词语短语popular with───在…中有声望[受好评];受…欢迎;有好评be popular───流行;受欢迎;吃得开;时


标签: in spite of



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