

official造句 2023-09-24 17:46 291 墨鱼


单词trying 例句大全,用单词trying造句:They aretryingto abnegate a certain amount of responsibility. 他们正设法卸除一些责任。What you are nowtryingto accomplish imy darkness,

+▽+ 我的黑暗,the hunger of my heart;


I am trying to bribe you with

权威造句1. Dr. Johnson and I have beentryingto build him up physically. 约翰逊医生和我一直试图增强他的体质。来自柯林斯例句2. Sheila had an ulterior motive fortryingto help Stan1、She'strying outfor the school play. 2、They aretrying outthe new method. 3、I startedtrying outa new life, trying to wear different clothes, tryi

try out 造句。1. I'm trying out for the school's basketball team, as I want to challenge myself and improve my skills. 2. My brother is trying out a new recipe 1、tryingsituation 2、I will keeptrying. 3、We are stilltrying. 4、I'mtryingto work. 5、Not that physicists weren’ttrying. 6、Not that physicists w

trying造句1、I talked till my jaws ached, trying to bring him around.我劝了他半天,嘴皮都快磨破了。2、We are trying to help those young people who have stray.我们1、I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered.我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。2、He tried making a

╯﹏╰ “used to refer to a situation when people are being unpleasant about someone, or trying to harm someone”,也就是“向某人兴师问罪”。影片中,老爷爷的遗嘱公布后,哈兰家族trying造句复制1、Bog off, I'mtryingto sleep!(走开,我要睡觉啦! 2、I'mtryingto keep off fatty foods.(我尽量不吃高脂肪食物。3、I wastryingto do some work.(我正


标签: grapes造句



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