09-30 230
what's |
there is a book.,fly a kite
Hete's a book. 其实是倒装句,正常语序是A book is here. 有本书在这里。第二句变成正常语序就可能是A book is here there. 这本书到底在这儿here,还是那里16. I like ___ when a book is so good that you can't put it down. 17. Both teams were in hard training; ___ was willing to lose the game. 18. I hope
Penguin.a book comes out(=it is published for the first time)Everyone was waiting for the new Harry Potter book to come out.borrow a book(alsotake out a bookBriti[translate] athere is a book and some magazines on the desk 有一本书和有些杂志在书桌上[translate]
初二年级(中) There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。I raise my right hand above my head. 我把右手高举过头。|基于85个网页2. 桌子上有一【解析】本题主要考查"there be"的就近原则,即there be句型中的be应和其后出现的主语在数上一致。具体到本题,与be最接近的是"a book"一本书),为单数名词,所以这里需要用is。
44.Praise does not necessarily change a child's behavior in the short term 45Reasoning with very small kids often does not work. Section C Directio乱象,印迹读读写写This is a book. 这是一本书。There is a book.有一本书。The book is in the bag. 书在包里。|基于7个网页2. 有本书
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标签: fly a kite
可以去参考一些语法书,推荐毛意忠的《法语现代语法》,索邦大学的《全新法语语法》,周力的《法语语法全解》(挑一本使用就够了)。要考证的话可以多做几本语法练习题。 平时学语法的时...
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虾塘消毒、解毒、改底、补菌、肥水先后顺序为改底、消毒、解毒、补菌、肥水。 1、改底:水色发黑、发红、发臭的水质普遍PH偏低,氨氮偏高,直接放入虾苗会造成中...
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③后缀:v.+ment 结尾,动词就变成了名词,achieve达到→achievement成就。 ④合成单词:waiting等待,room房间,waiting-room候车室。 其实,单词的记忆并不难,只要掌握了正确有效的技巧...
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1.一般选择重置驱动器之后,会提供两个选项,其中一个是 【仅删除我的文件】 , 2.一个是 【删除文件并清理驱动器】 ;如果是选择前者那么被删除的内容可能还能还...
09-30 230