

用us造句英语 2024-01-03 19:51 316 墨鱼


1. We use smiles for specific social purposes because they can send out all sorts of signals that can be useful for us1. 人们因为某种社交目的而微笑,只是因为笑能传You can give us some books.

us造句三年级精选39句1.Healwaysworkedintonightthosedays.那些日子他总是工作到深夜。2.Heboughtapen.他买了一支钢笔。3.Hewasnotbusyyesterday.他昨天不忙us造句1. She arrived shortly after us.我们刚到不多会儿她就到了。2. She regularly babysits for us.她定期来为我们照看小孩。3. The building soared above u

单词us 例句大全,用单词us造句:Both ofus, actually. Both ofus. 实际上是我俩,我俩When anger is hurled atus, it hurtsus. 如果激愤在我们之间爆发,它会伤害我们的感情1、The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。2、Tim Jones saw us smoking and ratted on us to the teacher.蒂姆·琼

us造句简单一点us造句简单一点1. My friend and I are planning a road trip across the US this summer. 2. The US government has implemented new policies to combat cl小香学英文●沸沸扬扬汉英例句1.那个传闻被各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬。The story was blazed all over the daily papers.《牛津词典》2.他的晋升引起了大伙儿沸沸扬扬的议论。His promo

us造句1、Everybody scoldsus, everybody givesusadvice, everybody warnsus. 2、It makesusor marsus. 3、Are you withusor againstus? 4、They'll missusan相似问题用“him”“us”“them”造句. 用just us 造句用cheer us up造句特别推荐热点考点2022年高考真题试卷汇总2022年高中期中试卷汇总2022年高中


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