
one hour and a half等于,half

half an hour和a half hour 2023-12-13 17:32 354 墨鱼
half an hour和a half hour

one hour and a half等于,half

oneandhalfhourONEANDHALFHOUROne 系统标签:hourhalffilmhepburnpopcoroscar one-and-a-half-hour,one-and-a-half-hour——所有资料文档均为本人悉心收集,全用英语表示_百度知道在四十几岁in one's forties一个半小时one hour and a half半个苹果half an apple zhidao.baidu|基于47个网页例句释义:全部,一个半小时

\ _ / 1.5小时=one and a half hours=one hour and a half 以此类推其他情况3.5天=three and a half days=three days and a half 4.5 ?=?=? 5.5 ?=?=? 可以在留言区留言正确答案噢!3) 半小时与一刻钟:half, quarter 2:30 half past two 6:45 a quarter to seven 4) 持续时间表达几个半的表达:基数词+名词+and a half = 基数词+and a half+

一个半小时one hour and a half =one and half hours 半个橘子half an orange 分成两半in half 半天/半周/半个月/半年half a day/week/month/year 2. 表示“几个半”时,1. 表示“事物的一半”用“half a/an+单数名词”结构。半小时half an hour 一个半小时one hour and a half =one and half hours 半个橘子half an orange 分成两半in half 半天/

the secretary shooting guard.Kobe Bryant is a former NBA basketball player Joe Bryant's son.Kobe Bryant is one of the NBA's best scorer, breakthrough, shooting, fone and a half hours

╯ω╰ 把hour换成年月日等等行不行?one hour and a 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报错误:one and half an hour正确:one aone hour and a half翻译一个半小时一个半小时是指时间长度多持续90分钟的概念时间段,常用数学的表达方式可以记为1.5h或90min,书面语中也可以写成one and a half hour。这


标签: half



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