

recycle例句 2023-09-29 19:33 289 墨鱼


It's difficult to seebicyclein a sentence. 用bicycle造句挺难的Teach me how to ride abicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。He is imprisoned for stealing and selling the单词bicycle 例句大全,用单词bicycle造句:He was crazy to fly across the Yellow River bybicycle. 他要骑自行车飞越黄河简直疯了。I got four replies to my ad about th

+0+ 9、Yourbicycleis so nice. 10、He has got abicycle. 11、a decrepit person, horse,bicycle 12、Thebicyclecraze has waned. 13、Holland, he designed a shibicycle造句1、a bicycle shop;bicycle paths. 2、The bicycle doctor is doctoring my bicycle. 3、Rachel oiled her bicycle. 4、bicycle and spare parts. 5、Who's take

bicycle造句复制1、The ancestor of the modernbicyclewas called a penny-farthing.(现代自行车的原型称作penny-farthing(一种前轮大后轮小的自行车)。2、The helmets a自行车造句英语1. I ride my bicycle to work every day.2. My brother loves to go mountain biking on the weekends.3. She bought a new bike for her son's birthday.4

bicycle如何造句【一】1 . 决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。2 . 他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。3 . 这个句子形式是被动的,而意思是主动的。4 . 小红竟然那么5. A bicycle brushed past me in a very rude way. 一辆自行车无礼地从我旁边擦身而过。6. A bicycle is much cheaper than a car. 一辆自行车比一辆小汽车便宜多了。7. D


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