

put on造句 2023-11-29 10:06 252 墨鱼
put on造句


present造句类型英语造句1、Atpresent we're gleaning information from all sources.(目前我们正从所有渠道慢慢收集信息。2、The carpet was a weddingpresent from Jack'27、My research is just bouncing along atpresent.

第二个和第三个是对的。第一个是错的。present sb. with sth.=present sth to sb是固定搭配。形式上present不能带双宾语,即不能使用present sb. sth.结构。这跟p牛津英语9A Unit 美国总统the President of the United States授予某人某物present sb. withsth. 患癌症have cancer blog.baomihua|基于28个

I bought a birthday present for my mother我给母亲买了一份生日礼物。This book would make a great Christmas present.这本书会是一份很不错的圣诞礼物。VERB USES present造句复制1、Atpresentwe're gleaning information from all sources.(目前我们正从所有渠道慢慢收集信息。2、The carpet was a weddingpresentfrom Jack's parent

(将…给予,授予,献给You should bestow more time to work and less to daydreaming.你应该多点时间工作,少点时间做白日梦。It seemed clear that he bestowed this same degrguest speakers will also present prizes to the students. 演讲嘉宾还将为学生颁奖。2014 全国) 【常用搭配】at present 目前;现在present sb. with sth


标签: great造句



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