
take to doing翻译,be about to

Take to 2023-11-07 12:00 521 墨鱼
Take to

take to doing翻译,be about to

take on呈现take on a new look;承担take on a responsibility;雇佣take on sb;接纳,受欢迎take up拿起;占据(时间,空间);开始从事于……take after 长得像某人taketodoing sth take to doing:采取行动;take to:养成的习惯;尤指短时间接触后)喜欢上,喜爱;养成(做…的习惯;开始定时(做…doing:n.所做的事;发生的事;所作所为;v.做,干,办(某事);(以某种方式)

take sth to do sth 例句:It took me one hour to get there,yesterday.Dad's taken toswimmingeverymorning. (take to sth/doing sth在剑桥学习词典中的解释© Cambridge University Press) take to sth/doing sth的翻译更多语言需要一个翻译

ゃōゃ B. PHRASAL VERB 养成(做……的习惯If you take to doing something, you begin to do it as a regular habit. 例句:They have taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-atake to doing sth发音意思翻译开始做某事相似词语短语doing sth───正在做某事take to doing───喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事stoop to doing sth───屈尊做

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