

mountain造句简单小学 2023-12-16 02:06 339 墨鱼


1、Two men were frozen to death on the mountain.两个男子在山上冻死了。2、What's the highest mountain in the US?美国哪座山最高?3、We hired a local guide实用场景例句全部山岳山脉一大堆大量a chain/range ofmountains 山峦;山脉牛津词典to climb amountain 爬山牛津词典We spent a week walking in themountains. 我

mountain 双语例句1. mountain的意思1. I mounted the mountain and searched a fountain with huge amount of runing water. 我登上那座山呈现唯一水量很大的喷泉。2. I 6、Huangshanmountainporters or their, or down themountain. 7、Thatmountainis high but thismountainis not high. 8、Thismountainis amountainof Yellow

●ω● I have amountainof work to do. 我有一大堆工作要做。I went home along a windingmountainpath. 我沿着弯曲的山路回家。Clouds have settled over themountaintops. 那些三、例句下面,我们将通过20个例句来展示“mountain”的用法和翻译。1. The sun was shining brightly on the mountain.(太阳照耀着山峰。)2. They climbed the mountain step b

"mountainpeople" 英漢例句they bathed in a coolmountainstream. 他們在清涼的山間溪流中游泳。we excavated themountainfor a tunnel. 我們開山鑿洞,修建隧道。the trac单词Mountain 例句大全,用单词Mountain造句:One should ask a woodcutter if he goes into amountain, and a fisherman if he goes nearby a riverside. 入山问樵,入水问渔


标签: mountain的短语



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