
be about to,be able to

动词不定式的种类及用法 2023-12-10 20:11 381 墨鱼

be about to,be able to

2)在含有条件状语从句的主从复合句中,主句一般不用be going to,而常用will(第一人称用shall)。如The football match will be put off if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨,足be about to基本解释v.将要,正打算;临到;即将;就要网络释义1. 行将2. 动词原形3. 将要,正打算4. 比5. 快要be about to的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到

be about to的三种常见用法是:1.当某事马上要开始的时候,它的结构是be about to do (sth.); 2.与when连用,结构是be about to do sth. when,所表达的意思是“正要做什么事突be about to英[bi: əˈbaut tu:]美[bi əˈbaʊt tu] be about to 词典解释动词即将;就要;将要,正打算;临到be about to 情景对话Shopping on the Internet-(网上购物)

be about to 读音汉语翻译即将例句:He raised his hat andwas about tospeak, but she gave him the go-by as though she had never seen him before. 他摘下帽子,刚要讲Be about to 美英na.准备网络将要;正要或刚要去做英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 准备,将要,正打算

be about to发音意思翻译即将;刚要;正打算即将做,马上做相似词语短语about to───即将,行将;刚要be able to───v.会;能够to amount to───等于man about toBe about tooneself psychological anguish pours out to other. 即将自己的心理痛苦向他人倾诉. 互联网Let be careful . The situationbe about torepeat itself. 我们得小


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