
add that造句,address做解决的例句

todo造句 2023-09-24 17:23 216 墨鱼

add that造句,address做解决的例句

Add that, oh, and by the way, you absolutely are not getting breast implants.哦,对了,通过这种方法,你也不用去做隆胸手术了。Crisp acidity adds freshness, makingMother added that we must get back as soon as possible. 妈妈接着又说我们必须尽早回来。3.add to(add作不及物动词用)表示"增加;增添",其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。有时也可

˙0˙ add英语造句,1、To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports.用信用证支付方式会增加我方进口货的成本。2、Add a teaspoon of vanilla18、Examples: Sneak Attack, Smite, Commander Effects thatadd todamage. 19、Resist the temptation toadd too much detail too quickly. 20、In addition,

5、I know, and I must add that we have a very pleasant relationship.我知道,而且我还要补充一条:我们的关系非常愉快。6、Would anyone like to add anything ⽤法⽰例5:I must add that we have a very pleasant relationship.参考翻译:我必须补充的是,我们有⼀个⾮常良好的关系。⽤法⽰例6:Would anyone like to anything to wha

add造句1、To open an L/C will add to the cost of our imports. 用信用证支付方式会增加我方进口货的成本。2、Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the juice. 在果汁I should add that there is always the possibility that your friend will be in crisis, and that you will not be in an argument. 我要补充一点,总有你的朋友的可能性将

24、In a word,adda friend,addtwo advisers, subtract a share of poverty, remove a cold,adda beautiful, harvest a talent. 25、Autoadd- Autoaddbypasses1. add…to…add to…to…add up (to);add that add something to something添加、增加……到……中=toput something with another thing orgroupofthings)


标签: address做解决的例句



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