
i can造句20个,can造句简单带翻译

用can造句六年级 2023-01-04 05:17 766 墨鱼

i can造句20个,can造句简单带翻译

Can I cry 我可以哭么Can I go with you 我可以和你一起去么Can I jump 我可以跳么Can I sing a song 我能让唱一首歌么Can I simle to he 我能对他笑么Can I go home 我I can swim.我会游泳.I can drwa.我会画画.I can sing.我会唱歌.I can make kites.我会做购物

(`▽′) i can hardly speak Japanese hardly can i speak Japanese 2)by no means,do i love you 我绝不会爱上你3)playing phones not only influences the physical and mental health o8.Can you bring these things to school? 9.Can I help you? 10.How can I get to the zoo? I can do it. I can finish my homework. I can see you. I can guess your age. I can hear you. I c

造句:I can fly ,我会飞翔;i can buy you a book ,我可以给你买一本书.i can read English I can swim. I can jump far I can write a novel. I can make dumplings. I can speak English. I can drive a car. I can play the guitar. I can sing English son

∩▽∩ I can work out the problem.I can answer the question.I can skate.I can dive.I can do this exercise.I can finish it on time.I can dance.I can draw a beau1⃣️ I can 2⃣️ I cannot . 你学会了吗?👇👇留言用I can 和I cannot 造句吧。 @校园薯@视频薯@薯宝宝#宝宝学英语#英语学习#听我说英语#英语启蒙这样做#亲子英语打卡

少儿英语品牌I CAN READ爱可睿便沉淀在这样一个领跑全球的教育强国。故事还要从1999年说起,最早,爱可睿的教育模式由澳大利亚教育心理学家Antony Earnshaw和Annabel Seargeant两位专I can do my homework by myself.2楼距离和很远2021-01-25 05:51I can playfootball.3楼指间的落寞2021-01-25 04:41i like summer, because i can go swimmi


标签: can造句简单带翻译



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