

短语追赶 2022-12-25 01:05 698 墨鱼


追赶的英文是什么?最佳答案二级知识专家网友:清酒孤欢2021-02-15 08:26追赶[zhuī gǎn] pursue run after chase after 短语追赶太阳Race The Sun ; Pursu在英语中,我们可以用catch up表示追赶,追赶某人后面加个with sb. 所以追赶某人就是catch up with sb. 例句:1.I couldn't catch up with him. 我赶不上他。2.He stopped and let h

chase(追赶)相关的英文单词- 》》》答案] 你说的是单词吧pursue 词组也有catch up run after be after 我查有道和百度的,放心所以选我吧,亲追逐的动词和追赶翻译拼音:zhuī gǎn 英语翻译:chase; chase after; chevy; give chase to; heel; pursue; run after 【法】pursuance; take after 相关词条:1.givechaseto 2.coursi

chase/pursue run afte如果追赶是及物动词的话,run after, 2.追赶的英文是什么?追赶[zhuī gǎn] pursuerun afterchase after短语追赶太阳Race The Sun;1.他追赶那个男孩。He made after the boy. 2

╯▽╰ run after 追赶的英语例句1. Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers. 他缓过劲儿来,骑马逃离了追赶他的人。2. Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the m追赶,加快速度赶上前面的人或事物。下面就由小编为大家带来关于追赶的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。关于追赶的相关短语追赶quicken one’s pace to catch up; 追赶run after

run after 追赶的英语例句1. Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers. 他缓过劲儿来,骑马逃离了追赶他的人。2. Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the m追赶chase 追赶法chasing 可追赶的pursuable 追赶者pursuer 喊叫着追赶halloo 追赶上pull 信号追赶signal 被紧迫追赶的hard 用劲追赶make 最新单词遥测指令英文怎么写telemet


标签: 逃跑的英语词组



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