
drive–in的意思,drive in a car

drive和drives的用法 2022-12-26 13:34 322 墨鱼

drive–in的意思,drive in a car

“drive-in”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 形容词a. 1. 路边服务的;免下车的名词n. 1. 免下车餐厅(银行、邮局等)drive-in (adj.) in reference to of restaurants, banks, etc., 1929; fromdrive(v.) +in. Of movie theaters by 1933 (the year the first one opened, in Camden, N.J.).

drive-in是什么意思单词发音:英[ ˈdraivˈin ] 美[ ˈdraɪvˌɪn ] 基本解释:免下车餐馆;免下车电影院drive-in 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.)免下车餐馆名词(n.)免drive-in英[ˈdraivˈin]美[ˈdraɪvˌɪn] 复数形式:drive-ins drive-in 词典解释形容词免下车的;路边服务式的名词免下车餐馆;免下车电影院drive-in 英英释义noun

+0+ The Twilight Drive-In is Metro Vancouver's only drive-in movie theatre! Located in Langley. Watch movies under the stars in the comfort and privacy of your own vedrive-in [՝draiv՝in] 重复播放n. 免下车餐馆,免下车电影院(顾客可坐在自己的车上购物、进餐、看电影等等) adj. 免下车的英文解释名词:1. any installation designed

˙^˙ drive-in 英文drive-in 中文n. 免下车餐馆,免下车电影院a. 免下车服务的美音['draiv'in] ; 名词服务到车上的路边餐馆,可坐在车内观看的露天影院英语解释any installation designed to accommodate patrons in their automobiles 相似短语drive

>▂< v=Mojvh0burw8 NMNV现场:New(Nice)Music New(Nice)Vedio 现场语种:英语发现了一支新的乐队:At the Drive-In 现场One Armed Scissor #AttheDrive-In #NMNV 乐drive-in的法语解释汉语翻译n. 免下车餐馆,免下车电影院a. 免下车服务的英语解释:名词drive-in: any installation designed to accommodate patrons in their automobile


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