
one of the连读,of弱读

of it 怎么连读 2023-12-16 15:00 131 墨鱼
of it 怎么连读

one of the连读,of弱读

╯^╰〉 英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。举例:Thank~you. Nice to meet~you. Did~you get there late~again? W咱们就是说好像不会有需要读they've the 的地方。需要连读的是那个one of(就是“万呢f”,f会读

of the弱读后可以连读成/əvə/,of弱读是/əv,ə,v/,the可以弱读为一个/ə/。Of the 英[My pen`s out of ink again. → [mai pə:n zau tə vinkə gein] not at all →[nɔ tæ tɔ:l] once in a week →[wʌn sinə wi:k] rush hour→[rʌ`ʃauə]

one of the——wʌn əv ðə] one of连读,of、the弱读。disease ——dɪˈziz] 音节di短元音[ɪ];sease长元音[i],辅音皆为浊辅音[z]声带震动。that you ——t][j]可连读(meet 与at,eight 与or 之间不可以连读) She opened the door and walked~in. (door 与and 之间不可以连读) Practice 练习:1、in a minute 2、fall in the river 3、tell

4.settle [t]+[l]The company has agreed to settle out of court. 5.title [t]+[l]Give your name and title。t]和[d]+[l]在词中1.heartless=hear(t)less [百度试题结果1 结果2 题目of the 连读怎么发音相关知识点:试题来源:解析连读怎么发音结果一题目of the 连读怎么发音答案连读怎么发音相关推荐1of the 连读怎么发


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