

teenager造句简单 2023-11-25 15:45 859 墨鱼


(°ο°) in anger造句1、He slammed the door shut in anger, his face flushed red with rage. 2、The little girl stamped her feet in anger when she didn't get her way. 3、Th1)Anger[英]['??ɡ?(r)][美]['??g?]生气1.Systematically individual difference of emotional understanding and expression maybe found in the same situations, and the

1、That kind ofangeris righteousanger. 2、angercaused by trifles; needlessanger 3、righteousanger, indignation, wrath 4、Hisangerquickly subsided. 5anger造句1. His anger was so intense that he punched the wall and broke his hand. 2. She tried to control her anger, but eventually exploded in a fit of rage. 3

anger造句复制1、She felt a stirring ofanger.(她感觉自己忍不住要生气了。2、She was completely taken aback by hisanger.(他的愤怒把她吓了一大跳。3、Hisangerand1、She screamedin anger. 2、Her face twistedin anger. 3、Don't look backin anger 4、The friends partedin anger. 5、You can shoutin anger, weepin ang

Fernand, you are wicked to call to your aid jealousy and the anger of God!弗尔南多,你祈求上帝降怒来帮助你泄私愤真是太卑鄙了!She exploded anger when she learned anger英语造句,1、We often do things in anger that we are sorry for afterwards.我们在气愤时往往作出事后令我们后悔的事。2、At his press co

+0+ 关于“anger造句”如下:1、Her anger boiled over when she saw her colleague taking credit for her hard work.24、indignation:意思是义愤,尤其指出于道义上的激愤。anger例句分享He clenched his fists inanger. 他愤怒地攥紧了拳头。Eventually, hisangerdissipated


标签: educator造句



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