

lipuid造句 2023-09-29 19:07 125 墨鱼


power intensity的造句和例句:1. In the section 1 , we have introduced the background and the recent advance of the flattened gaussian beam ; in the section 2 , foThe pain increased in intensity. 疼痛越来越剧烈。The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。I was surprised by the intensity of his a

+﹏+ 1、horizontalintensityvariometer 2、有一天,没那么年轻了,爱着的依然是你,但是,我总是跟自己说:我也可以过自己的日子。3、specificintensityof radiation 48. A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity. 下跌在质量、数量或密度上的迅速下降或减少9. The angle is multiplied by the intensity of mag

intensity英语造句,1、Effects of high intensity EMP on fiber propagation characteristics高强度EMP对光纤传输特性的影响2、OBSERVATION OFintensity造句1. The intensity of the storm was so great that it caused widespread damage to homes and businesses. 2. The intensity of the athlete's training regi

●^● ✅词根词缀法👉 词根tend/ tent/ tens =stretch“伸展”1.attend /ə'tend/ v. 出席;看护(at加强动作+tend→伸展出去→出席) 2.attendant /ə'tend(ə)nt/ a.出席的n.随从按照她们的步骤踏实走下去就好了。相信你也可以跟我一样考到7.5。

英汉英英网络释义intensity 显示所有例句n. 1. [u][sing] 强烈;紧张;剧烈the state or quality of being intense 2. [u][c] 强度;烈度the strength of sth, for example 1)intensity[英][?n'tens?ti][美][?n't?ns?t?]烈度1.Characteristics of Intensity of Reservoir Induced Seismicity;水库诱发地震的烈度特征2.The relation between accel


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