
such as造句子初二,suchAasB例句

such as用法及例句 2023-12-25 18:31 847 墨鱼
such as用法及例句

such as造句子初二,suchAasB例句

1. I like to eat fruits such as apples, oranges, and bananas. 我喜欢吃水果,例如苹果、橙子和香蕉。在这个例句中,such as引入了三个例子,以说明作者喜欢吃哪些水果。这篇1:suchas的例句Opportunities such as this did not come every day. 这样的机会不是天天都有的。The food, such as it was, was served at nine o'clock

1、Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted.种植了云杉、松树和橡树等树木。2、There are also unpl单词such as 例句大全,用单词such as造句:The books which I carried to my retreat weresuch asheightened my abhorrence of myself. 读那些我隐居后带来的书,让我更加痛恨

九宫格每一个格子背后都对应着一个任务卡,这个任务卡让学生来造句,比如一般现在时的一般疑问句。如果他3. as 可做引导词引导定语从句,多和such, the same 连用. As 引导的定语从句也可修饰整个句子,既可放在先行词后,也可放在句子开头. 4. 介词+which/whom/whos

such as 的意思其实是举例说明(for example),这意味着紧随其后的系列是不完备的;etc.的意思是如此种种(and so on),用来在系列的最后添加以声明该系列是不完备的。因此,同时使用ssuch as造句子简单1、Ineverheardsuchstoriesashetells.我从未听过他讲的这类故事。2、①suchas:主句含有表示程度的先行限定词such,从句用as引导。3

The amount of A rose by as much as one million to eight million.7. 加上2005年的收入,该企业用这个造5个短句~造1~2个句子就好了~ 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报i like sports ,such as running. 解析看不懂?


标签: suchAasB例句



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