

make的同义词替换 2023-12-08 16:29 473 墨鱼


动词make-up: form or compose同义词:constitute, represent, make up, comprise, be devise or compose同义词:make up do or give something to somebody in return同义词:p名词make up: cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance 同义词:makeup, make-up, war paint the way in which someone or something is compose

˙▂˙ Act as a Makeup Artist 充当化妆师Contributed by: @devisasari 贡献者:@devisasari I want you to act as a makeup artist. You will apply cosmetics on 英语词组的同义词make up的同义词make up : ①化妆:用化妆品改变或改善面部外观同义词:apply makeup,put on makeup,wear make-up,making-up, put on make-up,face-painti

(*?↓˙*) bemadeupof的同义词释义1:由…组成consistof,becomposedof释义2:构成makeup同义词辨析consistof组成表示“包含”,“由组成”之意。说明组成某一事物的部分。becomposedof组成表tutorial同义词n. session adj. coach,private instructor,tutor tutorial例句1.Well,we'll be continuing these tutorials of course. 我们肯定会继续这些

复数:makeups 英英释义makeup[ 'meikʌp ] n. the way in which someone or something is composed 同义词:constitutioncomposition cosmetics applied to the face to impr29.decide /makeadecision / makeupone’smind 决定30.now / atthemoment 目前;现在31.whenever / nomatterwhen 无论何时;不管何时32.walk /go …onfoot 步行33.cost /


标签: makeup等于什么单词



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