
there is的用法,Therebe句型三个句式结构

there is 单数and 复数 2023-12-15 10:17 812 墨鱼
there is 单数and 复数

there is的用法,Therebe句型三个句式结构

(1)There is a ruler on the desk.书桌上有一把尺。2)There is some water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。2.there are+复数主语+地点状语(介词短语) (1)There are four apples 用法:1. There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语/时间状语.2. There are +复数名词+地点状语. 3. There be句型的否定和疑问句There be句型的疑问句:be动词提前:否定句:be

1、There is的用法

1、There is ice on the lake.湖上有冰。2、There is a car in the street.街上有一只猫。3、There is some money in the purse.钱包里有些钱.4、There is a bird thereis和thereare的区别和用法:there is后加单数名词、不可数名词或者复数名词,表示单个概念;there are 后加复数名词。there is/are是there be句型,be动词的选择要与后面的主语保

2、there are和there is的用法

there be结构有不同的时态,而且可以和各种助动词或情态动词连用。如:There was a sport meeting in the playground yesterday.昨天在运动场举行了一场运动会。There will b1.(一)There is+单数可数+地点状语例:There is a ruler on the desk. 书桌上有一把尺。二)There are+复数主语+地点状语例:There are four apples on the

3、there be就近原则口诀

There is a girl in the classroom. 教室里有一个女孩儿。There be 句型) 二、There be句型用法。1. There be句型的谓语动词。There be句型中,句子的谓语动词是be,应该和后面的there is和are的区别和用法:there is后加单数名词、不可数名词或者复数名词,表示单个概念;there are 后加复数名词。there is/are是there be句型,be动词的选择要与后面的主语保持一


标签: Therebe句型三个句式结构



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