
make the bed造句简单,clean the windows造句

make dinner造句 2023-12-06 20:13 478 墨鱼
make dinner造句

make the bed造句简单,clean the windows造句

make the bed造句1. Every morning, I make the bed before starting my day. 2. My mom always reminds me to make the bed before leaving the house. 3. Making the bed Stainless Trash Can – Why You Need 10. go away 走开11.make the bed整理被物12. do one’s best 尽某人最大的努力hi-sensor|基于41个网页更多释

make the bed发音意思翻译铺床,整理床铺v.铺床相似词语短语makes the bed───铺床,整理床铺made the bed───铺床,整理床铺making the bed───铺床,整理床铺1. 整理床铺:58. go to bed 睡觉| 59. make the bed 整理床铺| 60. before long不久以后2. 铺床:28. make friends with和交朋友| 29. make the bed铺床| 30. make mi

Please make the bed before you come down for breakfast. 2. To make the bed means To restore a bed to an unslept-in condition,or to tidy up the bed. 用到了哪些你学过却没makethebed基本解释动词铺床makethebed的单语例句1.shehassomehowmanagedtomakeabedonthemuseum'shugehamsterwheel. 2.theycancookdinner,makethebedandhe

make 这个单词虽然简单,可是make 包含的意思丰富,用法多变。小编为你整理的make 的过去式,希望大家喜欢!make 的过去式过去式:made make 的过去式made造句1. It"s not about makmake the bed铺床make a plan做一架飞机make trouble制造麻烦make faces做鬼脸make friends交朋友make cakes做蛋糕make noises制造噪音make paper造纸make money赚钱

make the bed造句复制1、You are old enough tomake the bed.(你这么大了,可以自己整理床铺了。2、It can wash dishes and my clothes,make the bedand so on.(它可以洗单词make the bed 例句大全,用单词make the bed造句:I must stay home to wash her dresses and sweep and dust andmake the beds and cook myself something to eat. 我得


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