
begoodwith的用法,be good to

be good to的翻译 2023-12-19 17:59 287 墨鱼
be good to的翻译

begoodwith的用法,be good to

1、be good with后面除了接名词,动名词外,还可以接人称代词。2、be good at后面只能接名词,动名词,不能接人称代词。区别三:用法不同。1、be good with强调“擅长于和……友好相处Create a standardforgooddecision making . 建立一个良好决策的评估标准。The disassembled corpses are even mixed with flour and milk for a tastier treatto make sure

⊙△⊙ be good with的意思是善于应付…的,对…有办法。后面经常跟sb。例句:Be on good terms with all persons. 但尽可能与所有的人保持良好的关系。He must be good12Is really false, we are not in a place, if say that be good friends with to like to lov

1)be good at 意为“擅长…”,后接名词、代词或ving形式例如:I’m good at playing chess.=I’m good at chess 我擅长下象棋。2)be good with意为与……相begood with的用法begood with的用法be good with的意思是善于应付…的,对…有办法。后面经常跟sb。例句:The teacher is good with pupils.这个老师对这些小学生很好。©20

be good to的用法和样例:例句The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her. 女1 The girl in the old people's home is good ___old people.A for B at C with D to 2 Eating more vegetables is good ___ your health. A for B at C with D to 3


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