
be weak in,拜登对中国展开新一轮制裁

weak后面加什么介词 2022-12-25 07:56 161 墨鱼

be weak in,拜登对中国展开新一轮制裁

 ̄□ ̄|| 一、指代不同1、be weak in:差,不擅长于什么什么2、be weak at:软弱的,较差二、语法不同1、be weak in:接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导be weak in 英美在方面弱;不擅长于be weak in的用法和样例:例句You must be weak in the head if you believe that. 你相信那件事可就太傻了。

(ˉ▽ˉ;) 当后面跟科目时,be weak in=be weak at。如:I am weak at English=I am weak in English.be weak at后面通常只跟科目,如English,Chinese,math等;be weak in,除了跟科目,后面还可以O英语语法:短语be good at,be weak in的用法反义短语的用法1. be good at擅长做& be weak in不擅长异同之处:be good at连用,构成固定用法,表示“擅长做”,后接名词或者是动名词形式。be weak in

be weak in疲弱英[[]] 美[[]] 不擅长;在…方面不行双语例句1. I used to be weak in English. 我以前英语很弱。2. 由有道智云提供数据服务2The humidification can b记忆法单词:be weak in音标:bi: wi:k in] 读音be weak in的发音:sorry,there is no be weak in's voice. 单词解释在方面薄弱与be weak in 相关的例句Growthalsotend

s weak on grammar.Be honest about yourweak points(=your faults or the things you do not do well).8moneynot financially successfulweak currency/economy etcThe pound was weak against tbe weak of 在…很弱,不善于…be weak on 在…很弱,不善于…be weak in 差,不擅长于as weak 喝得酩酊大醉[穷得身无分文,弱得毫无气力] weak weld 不强固焊缝as weak as water adv.极虚弱


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