
turnout作为系动词造句,turn out的名词性短语

五个感官系动词造句 2023-12-21 19:51 263 墨鱼

turnout作为系动词造句,turn out的名词性短语

1)它可以后面接上系动词to be,后面的表语是形容词名词(如果是已经发生的事,名词前的to be可省略) The business turned out a success. 生意竟然做成功了。The用turn out造句1. It turned out that the new employee was actually a former colleague of mine from a previous job. 2. After months of training, it turned out that

turn out 作为系动词的用法在英语中,“turn out”是一个常见的系动词,意思是最终结果是什么或发展成什么样。下面是关于”turn out”的一些常见用法和详细讲解。1. 结果是11.Turnoutyour pockets! 把你的口袋翻出来!youdao 12. It may notturnoutto be the best thing to do. 这可能不是最好的做法。youdao 13. No one could have foreseen thi

turnout造句1、Its basic function is to convertturnout,turnoutand reflect theturnoutlocked position and status. 2、But most important, it dramaticalturn up出现;开大(音量)turn out结果是turn on打开;发动turn off关掉;关闭turn down减小;调低(音量)turn over翻转turn in交出;交上turn into变成;进入turn away避开;解

+﹏+ 8、Parker: That did notturn outwell. 9、Silent awaiting wouldturn outto be unavailing. 10、Once cooked, remove the foil andturn outthe pudding. 11、W终止系动词。终止系动词主要有prove,turnout(结果是,证明是)等。如:My plan turned out a success.我的计划成功了。提醒]有些系动

时间:2021年11月19学海无涯页码:第-系动词句1.常用系动词造句各两句Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup?你长大了想干什么?2)look意为"看上去,显得……Sheloo系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况


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