
there are 特殊疑问句,there is的疑问句

there be 句型 2023-08-26 10:42 270 墨鱼
there be 句型

there are 特殊疑问句,there is的疑问句

There are no pictures on the wall. 墙上没有图画。There will be no one at home tomorrow morning. 明天上午不会有人在家。There might be no money leftThere is a dog in the box.箱子里有一条狗。→Where is the dog?那条狗在哪里?There are five men at the station.车站有五个人。→ Where are the five men?那五个人在哪里

ˋωˊ there are句型特殊疑问句怎么提问的问题回答如下,例如:原句There are six apples on the tree.(对six提问)答案:How many apples are there on the tree? 树上有Therebe句型的特殊疑问句变化形式(一)对主语提问•1.当主语是人时,用“who’s+介词短语?”•2.当主语是物时,用“what’s+介词短语?”•Note:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般

“There be句型”的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:1.对主语提问:当主语是人的时候,则用who 引导,当主语是物的时候,则用what引导。注意:无论原句的主语是单数There is a dog in the box.箱子里有一条狗。Where is the dog?那条狗在哪里?There are five men at the station.车站有五个人。Where are the five men?那

4. There are some baseballs in my room. 二、将下列句子改成特殊疑问句:1. I’m fine today. 2. There is a pencil sharpener on the desk. 3. There are three erasers in theThere arefour pencils and an eraser in the pencil case.(铅笔盒里有四支铅笔和一块橡皮)解析:靠近Be动词的主语是four pencils, 复数,所以我们的be动词用are.三:There be 句

答句:There is/are+单数(复数)名词+in/on+名词。说明︰此句型意为“在某处有多少……在某处有…。”该句型中,many 修饰复数名词;又因本句型是疑问句,故用are there,不可- Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. 3、特殊疑问句There be 句型的特殊疑问句主要有how many和how much做引导词两种情况。如:There are five thousand students in our schoo


标签: there is的疑问句



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