
long spear翻译,speargrass是什么意思

spear翻译成中文 2023-12-28 18:36 977 墨鱼

long spear翻译,speargrass是什么意思

spear 音标[spiә] 读音汉语翻译n. 矛,枪,持矛者,嫩枝vt. 用矛刺vi. 刺,戳a. 父系的词型变化:形容词:spearlike 名词:spearer 动词过去式:speared 过去分词:speareThespearis a long weapon. 少林十三枪是少林兵器中的长枪. 期刊摘选Thespearpierced the lion's heart. 那矛刺穿了狮子的心脏. 《简明英汉词典》The Indian hurled hisspe

网络长矛;长枪网络释义1. 长矛字典中锬字的解释锬tán长矛[long spear] 汉‍典ZDIC.NET zdic.net|基于14个网页2. 长枪三国志大战计略名称一览_吕布1. spear的翻译1. He unleashed the full power of his spear, advancing rather than retreating, weaving an intricate web of mist and shadow in front of him. 银枪全

⊙▂⊙ a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow) 4 a long vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for a 翻译:红绳缚身,日久年深。指申鹤被仙人收留过去了许多岁月。9、雪泥鸿迹遥And they dwelt long together, content 翻译:如雪上鸿爪,更行更远。指岁月漫长。

She speared an olive with her fork.她用叉子扎起一个橄榄。柯林斯词典矛;投枪;梭镖A spear is a weapon consisting of a long pole with a sharp metal point attached to the e“He stared at the picturefor a while before slowly cleaning it off. Just then his son, Xiao Guang, rushed in witha long spear in hand. Seeing that h

◎铩鎩shā 〈名〉1)长刃矛,古代的一种兵器[long spear] 不敌于鉤戟长铩也。——《汉书·陈胜项藉传》。注:“铍也。”鉏耰棘矜,非铦于钩戟长铩也。——汉·贾谊《过秦论长矛[long spear] 锬,长矛也。——《说文》© 汉典【戌集上】【金】錟·康熙筆画:16 ·部外筆画:8 图文錟《康熙字典》康熙字典未收录“锬”字头,请参考“錟”字。


标签: speargrass是什么意思



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