
estuary怎么读,yangtze River怎么读

abundant怎么读 2024-01-03 20:58 967 墨鱼

estuary怎么读,yangtze River怎么读

estuary estuary是什么意思,estuary怎么读语音:英音['estʃʊərɪ] 美音[ˈɛstʃuˌɛrɪ] estuary 基本解释n.(江河入海的)河口,河口湾;港湾estuary 变化形式复数:estuariesestuary 英ˈ[estʃuəri] 考点解读托福雅思剑雅词频:1核心词estuary 常考释义n.(入海)河口变形词复数estuaries 雅思常考例句This area is in a shelt

(°ο°) estuary [՝estjuəri] 重复播放n. 河口,江口英文解释名词:1. the wide part of a river where it nears the sea; fresh and salt water mix 形态变化【复数】estuaries听听怎么读英[ˈestʃuəri] 美[ˈeri] 是什么意思n. (江河入海的)河口,河口湾;港湾;变形复数:estuaries 英英释义estuary[ 'estjuəri ] n.the wide part of a river wh

(^人^) estuary音标['estjuәri] 读音汉语翻译n. 河口,港湾词型变化:名词复数:estuaries 形容词:estuarial 英语解释:名词estuary: the wide part of a river where it nears th4. PIE root *aidh- "to burn" => aestus "boiling (of the sea), tide, heat" => estivate, estuary. 5. PIE root *aidh- "to burn" => aithein "to burn, shine" => ether

estuary怎么读,estuary什么意思英[ˈestʃuəri]美[ˈestʃuəri] n. 河口;江口[ 复数estuaries ] estuary 同根词词根:estuary adj. estuarine江口的,河口estuary 扩展词汇英['estʃuəri]美['estʃueri] n.河口;江口;海湾Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计河口江口海湾形容词:estuari


标签: yangtze River怎么读



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