
用neither nor造句,用either or造句

neithernor做表语造句 2023-09-20 19:58 270 墨鱼

用neither nor造句,用either or造句

neither nor造句复制1、Neither Mr. Rose nor Mr. Woodhead was available for comment yesterday.(罗斯先生和伍德黑德先生昨天都没有时间做出评论。2、Pinocchio lookedneither…nor造句1.我既不喜欢吃西瓜,也不喜欢吃南瓜。I neither like watermelon nor pumpkin.) 2.这个电视节目既不好看,也不有趣。This TV show is neither interesting

Neither I nor she knows. 她和我都不知道. He can neither read nor write. 他既不会读也不会写. He can neither see nor tneither nor的造句和例句:1. He is not a farmer . neither nor am i他不是农民,我也不是。内有更多更详细关于neither nor的造句

neither nor 倒装句的用法这个句型是“既不也不”的意思,neither就正常放在句子里面用就好了,但是nor在从句里打头的时候要部分倒装,不作句头就不用倒装nor造句1、Since brass,norstone,norearth,norboundless sea. 2、Nor winter freeze them,norfloods drown. 3、Nor gentle voice,norloving face. 4、neither

neither nor 造句1.Neither my father nor my mother like singing, so they always ask me to turn off the music in the living room. 2.Neither the children nor their 例如:Youcan'tsing,ncanI,ncanshe.你不会唱歌,我不会,她也不会.2.当主语不是同一个人或物时,n和neither可互换,当主语是同一个人或物时,只能用n.例如:Idon'tknow,ndoIcare.我


标签: 用either or造句



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