
both for and against,against的用法

as many 2023-12-10 10:00 519 墨鱼
as many

both for and against,against的用法

①XXprovides arguments both for and againstYY.(提取自英一2015Text1) XX激起对YY正反两方面的讨论。仿写例句:The advertisement on Wechatprovides argum回答和翻译如下 :both for and against 赞成与反对

涉及到短语和语法~not less,as critics have charged(这里的NOT LESS )top civil servants)over the past couple years)both for and against这里FOR后面不是Does that mean the uniting is on the wall for all European royals, with their magnificent uniforms and majestic lifestyles? The Spanish case previous arguments both for

①The Spanish case provides arguments both for and against monarchy.②When public opinion is particularly polarized, as it was following the end of 撒切尔夫人生平讣文:追忆往昔皆浮云,剽悍人生永流传由查字典英语网提供,Legacy遗留下来的宝贵财富Few politicians have exercised such dominance during th

ˋ﹏ˊ 3、Simply put, I was inspired by the rigor of the vast majority of the responses, both for and against my vifor both───两者皆适用against for───反对in both and───在和中a both and───a两者兼而有之for both of───对于两个both───det.双方,两者;pron.双方,


标签: against的用法



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