

well身体好造句 2024-01-07 10:05 262 墨鱼


例如,“I studied hard, then I did well on the test.”(我努力学习,然后在考试中取得了好成绩)。在这个例子中,then用来表示努力的学习是取得好成绩的原因。reported据报道、well known总所周知、said据说、decided做出决定、heard听说、suggested有人建议、believed有人相信、turned out结果是、announced据宣布、considered据认为、reme

用orαnge造句子简单1、I plucked an orange from the tree. 我从树上摘了一个橙子。2、I like oranges, but this is not an orange. 我喜欢橙子,但这不是一个橙子。3、Would yWell. Enjoy your day! Bye Rex. B. You as well. Goodbye.从上面对话你可以看出,简单的口语听力

≥▽≤ also and both…and…and……as well… as well as besides furthermore in addition moreoverwell造句1、Well fed, well bred. 2、well cooked;cooked well. 3、Peter: Well, welleyelids 4、Eat well, sleep well, drink (water) well. 5、Well,

五、双语例句1.She seems to be well in with all the right people.她似乎和所有大人物都关系很好。2.It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well.拉好This kind of bicycle sells well。其实很简单的,自己随便写写都有很多~望采纳~ 26712小时前发布鹿鹿小宝贝I can play the piano well. You'll be well soo

well 造句简单1. Well, I had a great time at the party last night. 2. Well, it seems that we have run out of milk again. 3. Well, I think it's time for us to starwell造句简单1. Well, I had a great time at the party last night. 2. Well, it seems that we have run out of milk again. 3. Well, I think it's time for us to start


标签: them造句简单小学三年级



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