
realize后用do还是doing,realize sb

realize及物不及物 2023-08-27 23:00 934 墨鱼

realize后用do还是doing,realize sb

4. Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize. 放心吧,他知道的常识很可能比你以为的要多得多。5. Do they realize we are 都行,加to do表示意识到要做某事,donging表示意识到做过某事

2. realize to do 一、比起人我还是喜欢手机,起码手机会告诉你电量不足,但人却总是一声不吭的走掉。I still prefer mobile phones to people, at least the 和get doing sth 的区别来看,其实动词不定式(to do sth)和动名词(doing sth)的主要区别是:动名词最适合用于描述真实(如get going)、完整或已经完成的动作的句子,不定式

24. Do you realize (that) 你有没有意识到……Do you realize (that) your parents really care about you 你有没有意识到你的父母很关心你25. Do you tdo又可接doing的,那也可以根据语境先判断事情是发生了还是未发生,未发生就用to do而发生了就用doing

(2)但若要表示担心可能会发生某事,则只能用be afraid of doing而不能用be afraid to do。例如:I’m afraid of being late for class. 我担心上课迟到。3英语学习时,相信大家都会遇到不认识的单词,当我们遇到不会的英语单词,不仅需要用字典查出她是什么意思更要知道单词的用法是什么,今天小编就整理了realize sb t

realize doing sth realize to do没有这种用法.realize 后面跟名词或者句子.下面我为您列出realize的含义和例句:1 实现,变为现实I realized my goal.我实现了自用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语。2、短语:realize from 从…领悟到;realize on 从…赚得…扩展资料例句:1、I think I have the ability to realize


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