
thus造句,to begin with造句

Thursday造句 2023-12-18 19:24 269 墨鱼

thus造句,to begin with造句

She studied hard;thusshe got high marks. 她用功读书,因此获得高分。It has beenthusand will continue to be so. 事情一直是这样,并将继续这样下去。It was already ratand thus造句1、To see,and thusunderestimated. 2、Thus, dreaming skepticism is necessarily intellectually self-subvertingand thusit can be disregard

单词thus 例句大全,用单词thus造句:Who but a madman would actthus? 除了疯人外谁会这样做?Andthus, deterrence was achieved. 因而,实现了威慑。Thus, fire hazard accithus造句1、Many scholars have arguedthus.(许多学者都这样论证过。2、We do not own the building.thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.(我们不是这栋楼房

>△< thus跟therefore同樣是副詞,所以放在句中的時候,一樣需要加其它連接詞。例:It is late, and thus you must go. 時間晚了,因此你該走了。4.hence 因此一樣是副詞,若放在句中,需加上其16、Feeling cold,thus, (she) lighted another piece of cigarette. 17、The vicious circle isthustransformed into a virtuous circle. 18、Data trafficth

thus造句1. Thus, the company decided to invest in new technology to improve efficiency and productivity. 2. The study found that regular exercise can improve men用thus造句1. The weather forecast predicted rain, thus we brought our umbrellas. 2. She didn't study for the exam, thus she didn't do well. 3. The team worked ha

canthus的造句和例句:1. With one hand, wipe gently from the inner canthus outward .用一只手轻柔地从眼的内眦向外擦拭。2. The scar at canthus after surgery is invi1.thus本身就是副词,这是现在分词做结果状语。2.你的句子里的thus的意思就是,取副词的意思中第三点:because of this or that : hence, consequently 因此。至


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