

face to face造句 2022-12-26 05:33 629 墨鱼
face to face造句


ˇ▽ˇ 过去式:shocked; 过去分词:shocked; 现在分词:shocking; 复数形式:shocks; shock 基本解释名词休克;震惊;震动;打击及物动词使休克;使震惊;使震动;使受电击不及物动28、I got a terribleshockthe other day.(前两天,可把我吓坏了。29、The bumper absorbsshockon impact.(遇到撞击时保险杠能减轻震动。30、Steel barriers

11、shockabsorber filler plug gasket 12、Sometimes theshockwas “intentional.”13、Sometimes, you might feelshockand disbelief. 14、Once again he shocks造句1、This one alwaysshocksme. 2、collect or gather intoshocks. 3、Marketshockshave been subdued. 4、These vehicles do not produce electricsh

13、You brush past people, peoplebumpinto you. 14、Shock andbumptests on measuring relays and protection equipment 15、You need more high marksbumpu1.You can control the shock with an off, high and low switch!你可以控制的休克与一休,高,低开关!2.One of the patients was suffering from shock.有一个病人休克了。3

╯△╰ 10. Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood. 守寡的打击和悲伤让人难以承受。11. Marianna, the duke's daughter, became mute after a shock1、shock,英语单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为休克;震惊;震动;打击;禾束堆。作形容词时意为浓密的;蓬乱的。作及物动词时意为使休克;使震惊;使震动;使

╯ω╰ shock有震惊;震动;冲击;休克等意思,那么你知道shock的用法吗?下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的shock的用法和相关短语例句,欢迎大家学习!shock的用法:shock的用法1:shock的基本单词SHOCK 例句大全,用单词SHOCK造句:The combination may be used in a pump, a linear actuator, a motor, or ashockabsorber. 此组合可以被用于泵、吸震器、促动器或马达


标签: facetoface造句简单



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