
Whatsyourfriend,what a friend

what is a good friend 2023-08-26 16:46 553 墨鱼
what is a good friend

Whatsyourfriend,what a friend

whatsyourfriendlike是什么意思相关知识点:试题来源:解析你的朋友应该是什么样的结果一题目whatsyourfriendlike是什么意思答案你的朋友应该是什么样的相关推荐1 What is a Friend英语作文篇1 Everyone needs a friend, because we are not the only one in the world. We need someone to talk to and share our happiness and sorrow. Last

“你什么意思”英语可不是Whatsyourmeaning!那该怎么说?我们中⽂,同⼀个词不同的语境下意思可不⼀样⽐如"你什么意思""没什么意思,"就是想意思意思""你可真有意思,你What's ___ ___ ___ your friend? 试题答案在线课程答案:the;matter;with 练习册系列答案新课堂同步阅读系列答案优佳学案云南省初中学业水平考试总复习系列答案暑假篇假

英语:Iwanttobeyourfriend./wanttomakefriendswithyou.中文:我想做你的朋友.iwanttobeyourfriend.望采纳,谢谢!Couldyoubecomemyfriend?或者Shallwemakeafriend?能交个朋友吗?都可以whatsyourfriendlike是什么意思_作业帮你的朋友应该是什么样的What is your new friend like?与What does your new friend 前面那句like不是动词,而是介词,“怎么样”的意思,

Whats your opinion? 7. some people suggest when people move to a new country they should accept the new culture as their own. to what extent do you aWhat's your friend's name?意思是:你朋友叫什么名字?解释:what 英[wɒt] 美[wɑ:t]pron. (用以询问某人或某事物的词)什么,多少;…的事物;adj


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